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Arch linux is a great operating system. Using it grants you the privilege of saying "I use Arch, btw".
Signature from "David Runge <>" is marginal trust[edit]
When attempting to update the system, there may be a prompt to add/update a signature. This can fail which results in the following errors:
error: zsh-completions: signature from "David Runge <>" is marginal trust error: failed to commit transaction (invalid or corrupted package (PGP signature)) Errors occurred, no packages were upgraded.
Update the keyring prior to updating the system.[1]
$ sudo pacman -Sy archlinux-keyring
Wine makepkg FAILED (unknown public key CEFAC8EAAF17519D)[edit]
You need to import the public key for it to work.
$ gpg --receive-keys CEFAC8EAAF17519D
VirtualBox modprobe vboxdrv error[edit]
After installing VirtualBox, trying to start a virtual machine results in an error that requires the kernel module to be loaded. But trying to load it with:
$ modprobe vboxdrv
Results in the following error:
modprobe: ERROR: could not insert 'vboxdrv': Operation not permitted
Run the command as sudo.
$ sudo modprobe vboxdrv